Shid Pokht
Manufacture Commercial Restaurant Kitchen Equipment
SHIDPOKHT is a manufacturer of Radiant Barbecues, Rice Rail Ovens, Cookers, Stews, Industrial Fryers, Fully Automatic Grills, Hydraulic Skewers, Grills and Pizza Rail Ovens.
SHIDPOKHT Inventor of Radiant Barbecue
SHIDPOKHT is the main inventor and the largest manufacturer of Radiant Barbecue and supplier of A to Z equipment for restaurants, industrial kitchens, and fast foot in Iran. Today, in addition to producing 20 models of grills in Automatic Models, Salamander or Elevator, Sliding, Home, Mechanized Cooking Line of shredded kebabs, Single Oven Rice Cooking Oven, Skewer, Radiant Pizza Oven, Industrial Fryer, Chicken Radiant Oven, they produce Brioches, Refrigerators, Hot and Cold Counters, Hobs, Trolleys, Work Tables, Cookers and Stews, Ovens, Meat Grinders, Slicers, Shawarmas, and more.
Mechanization of industrial kitchens and reduction of costs in the food and restaurant industry is the goal that we pursue in SHIDPOKHT.
Due to the spread of Corona virus and the impact of the restaurant industry all over the world and Iran, increasing the health of food is the solution to save this industry and return to the prosperity of the past. The use of modern and mechanized equipment removes food from contamination and increases its hygiene and consumer confidence. In this regard, KHALLAGH DAMA GOSTAR ARAK (SHIDPOKHT) has again taken a new initiative and creativity and has introduced the grilled kebab cooking machine to the country's restaurant industry.
SHIDPOKHT products have the Standard Mark and approval of the University of Medical Sciences. High quality raw materials are used in the manufacture of all products and the company's research and development unit always strives to optimize and improve the quality and performance of manufactured products. SHIDPOKHT products have a one-year warranty and a 10-year after-sales service throughout the country.
Automatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Kebab Cooker Machine - 750 Skewer - ZARRINAutomatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Automatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Kebab Cooker Machine - 1000 Skewer - ZOMORRODAutomatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Automatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Kebab Cooker Machine - 400 Skewer -YaghoutAutomatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Automatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Kebab Cooker Machine - 1200 Skewer -BERLIANTAutomatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Automatic Kebeb Cooker Machine
Kebab Cooker Machine - 1400 Skewer - CrystalAutomatic Kebeb Cooker Machine